Jerusalem Street,
E. Knight Christos Spanos,
Eminent Preceptor
2024 – 2025
Members have to be Master Masons of a least one years standing and Members of the Holy Royal Arch. Membership is very select and strictly by Invitation.
Great Priory in London through the aegis of R.E.Kt John Brackley K.C.T Great Vice-Chancellor gave permission for a Kolossi Preceptory to be Consecrated and the necessary Petition Forms were issued. The first Founding Sub-Committee Meeting was held in January 2011. Many hours were spent locating premises, obtaining and making the required Furniture and obtaining Regalia and approaching some 30 Founder Members – including 19 Brethren for Installation into the Degree.
Tremendous assistance and guidance was also given from the U.K by R.E.Kt Paul Clement G.C.T Great Marshal and E.Kt Robert Parrott PGt.WofReg. Great Priory then gave the singular honour to “Kolossi” by announcing that a Consecrating Team led by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Timothy John Lewis G.C.T would come to Cyprus to perform the Consecration and Installation Ceremonies in Limassol on Friday 25th May 2012, as opposed to the normal procedure of “Kolossi” going to Priory in London On Friday 25th May 2012 Members of the Great Priory led by the Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master Timothy John Lewis G.C.T with His Consecration Team Convened a Preceptory at the Temple at 6 Jerusalem Street Limassol and 19 Companions. were Installed as Knights Templar.
After a recess the Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master was received, his Officers appointed and Kolossi Preceptory No 684 Consecrated with full ceremonial. R.Et.K Alan J. Englefield K.C.T was then Installed as 1st Preceptor of Kolossi Preceptory No 684 and then Appointed and Invested his Officers.
A Gala Consecration “White Table” Festive Board followed attended by some 85 Knights, their Ladies and Guests
The next day, Sat 26th May a Tour was arranged to Kolossi Castle (with Bro. Angelos Kyriakoudes acting as guide) followed by a visit to the Ancient Curium and lunch on Curium Beach.
We shall be ever indebted to the Great Priory for England & Wales for their support, assistance and visit to Consecrate Kolossi Preceptory No 684