Meeting at the Masonic Rooms,
6 Charalambos Michael Street,
Acropolis, Nicosia.
On Fourth Thursday of May (Installation) Second Thursday of September and the First Tuesday of December

W.Bro.Tamer Zaim
WM 2023-2024
Phoenix Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1923 Was Consecrated on Friday 26th November 2010 at the St. Raphael Hotel, Limassol In the presence of the Pro Grand Master M.W.Bro. John Hale.
The Assistant Grand Master R.W.Bro. Michael Edward Herbert as Consecrating Officer was assisted by Officers of Grand Lodge
The Phoenix universally symbolises immortality and is depicted from very early on in Christian meeting places, even in the catacombs, symbolising Christ’s resurrection and immortality. It was also adopted by Aumont, De Molay’s successor as Grand Master of the Knights Templar as a symbol on his seal with the motto, ‘Ardent ut vivat’ – ‘She burns that she may live’. It is worth mentioning that there about 60 Lodges from various Constitutions which bear the name Phoenix.
In Cyprus, Phoenix Mark Lodge shares its name with the Phoenix Craft Lodge No. 9817 originally under the Grand Lodge of Greece and now under the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus (UGLE)
For further information contact the Secretary Bro Alexandros Khetab , E-mail: HERE